Unlock the secrets of house music production in this comprehensive 12-week Ableton course

4 September - 25 November 2024 | Mondays & Wednesday 6-8PM UTC



Drop Cap Example

Pursuing mastery is not for the faint of heart. It requires an unwavering commitment and a relentless drive to push beyond the boundaries of what is comfortable and known. It is a journey fraught with challenges; demanding patience, discipline, and a deep-seated passion for your craft.

Mastery is for those who are not content with mediocrity and who aspire to reach the pinnacle of their potential, transforming their art into something extraordinary. It is a path for the dedicated few who are willing to embrace both the rigors of disciplined practice and the boundless exploration of creative expression. This pursuit demands a balance of analytical precision and intuitive flow, leading to the profound and continuous transformation of one's abilities and artistic vision.

Drop Cap Example

House Music Mastery has been meticulously designed to propel you towards the pinnacle of your potential. Each module is structured to challenge and refine your skills, ensuring that you don't just learn, but master the craft of house music production. This journey will equip you with the expertise and confidence to transform your artistic vision into extraordinary music for the rest of your life. As you advance through the course, you'll discover how each element contributes to your overall mastery, setting the stage for deeper exploration and growth as an artist.



Drop Cap Example

There is a harmonious balance of left and right-brained thinking that breeds the master artist. To express ourselves to the fullest, we must nurture a relationship with both halves of our being.

Too much feeling, and your art lacks direction.

Too much logic, and your art lacks depth.

On the one hand, it is the free exploration of our flowing expressivity that we use to widen our scope and deepen the penetrative and resonatory nature of our art. By exercising the intuitive and wilder parts of our processes, we align our voices with our souls as artists - a necessary step on the path to our most authentic expression.

On the other hand, discipline and structure are the methods we use to sharpen our blades. These allow us to become fast and efficient, working effectively and precisely. It is your duty as an artist pursuing mastery to become as exact and nimble as you possibly can, in order to best serve your art.

Drop Cap Example

Throughout this course, you will learn how to nurture both halves of your being. By balancing structured, disciplined practice with free, intuitive exploration, you'll develop the technical precision and creative depth necessary for true mastery. The curriculum ensures you grow not just as a producer, but as an artist capable of expressing your most authentic self. Through a blend of analytical techniques and creative exercises, you'll learn to harness the full spectrum of your abilities, achieving a harmonious blend of thinking and feeling in your music making.



Drop Cap Example

In order to become a House Music Master, developing competence is the most important obstacle you must overcome. Competence is the key to your progression from unawareness to mastery. Throughout your journey, it will evolve through four distinct stages. Each stage represents a deeper level of understanding and skill, starting with unconscious incompetence, where one is unaware of their limitations, and ending at unconscious competence, where expertise flows effortlessly. This pyramid illustrates the progression and growth necessary to achieve mastery. Embracing each stage with dedication and openness is essential for any artist striving to refine their craft and express their unique voice.

1. Unconscious Incompetence:

The Journey Begins 


In the realm of unconscious incompetence, you are blissfully unaware of your limitations. This stage is a place of innocence, where the beauty lies in not knowing what you do not know. Here, your curiosity is born; the first sparks of creative desire are ignited - a time of exploration where every new experience is a step toward uncovering the depths of our potential.

2. Conscious Incompetence:

The Dawn Of Awareness 


Next we step into conscious incompetence. This is the dawn of awareness, where we recognize the vast expanse of knowledge and skill that eludes us. It's a humbling yet enlightening moment, much like seeing the first light of day break through the darkness. In this stage, we acknowledge our gaps and start to map the journey ahead, guided by a newfound sense of purpose.

3. Conscious

The Path of Discipline


With deliberate effort and unwavering focus, we enter conscious competence. Each step is taken with intention, every action measured and precise, like the disciplined practice of a samurai hones their skills, you sharpen your skills with deliberate intention. This stage requires patience and persistence, as we build a solid foundation for expertise.

4. Unconscious Competence:

The Dance of Mastery


Finally, you reach unconscious competence; where intuition and mastery intertwine, and your actions flow effortlessly from a place of deep-rooted knowing. Like a river that knows its course, you move with fluid grace, unencumbered by conscious thought. Creation becomes second nature, and you express your self with profound ease and authenticity.

1. Unconscious Incompetence:

The Journey Begins 

In the realm of unconscious incompetence, we are blissfully unaware of our limitations. This stage is a place of innocence, where the beauty lies in not knowing what we do not know. Here, our curiosity is born; the first sparks of creative desire are ignited. A time of exploration where every new experience is a step toward uncovering the depths of our potential.

2. Conscious Incompetence:

The Dawn Of Awareness 

Next we step into conscious incompetence. This is the dawn of awareness, where we recognize the vast expanse of knowledge and skill that eludes us. It's a humbling yet enlightening moment, much like seeing the first light of day break through the darkness. In this stage, we acknowledge our gaps and start to map the journey ahead, guided by a newfound sense of purpose.

3. Conscious

The Path of Discipline

With deliberate effort and unwavering focus, we enter conscious competence. Each step is taken with intention, every action measured and precise, like the disciplined practice of a samurai honing their blade, sharpening their skills with each deliberacy. This stage requires patience and persistence, as we build a solid foundation for expertise.

4. Unconscious Competence:

The Dance of Mastery

In the final stage, we reach unconscious competence. This is where intuition and mastery intertwine, and our actions flow effortlessly from a place of deep-rooted knowing. Like a river that knows its course, we move with fluid grace, unencumbered by conscious thought. Creation becomes second nature, and we express our true selves with profound ease and authenticity.




The House Music Mastery course is meticulously designed to guide you through the transformative journey from the early stages of competence towards mastery. Each module is crafted to deepen your understanding, hone your skills, and elevate your artistic expression.




Every student will enjoy 51 hours of contact time during this comprehensive 12-week House Music Mastery course, which offers a blend of interactive group calls, personalized one-on-one sessions, engaging Q&A sessions, group feedback sessions and exclusive guest masterclasses.

Each week, you’ll participate in a variety of calls designed to enhance your learning experience, provide tailored feedback, and inspire creativity. This diverse schedule ensures you receive well-rounded instruction and support, helping you master the art of house music production. Explore the details of each call type below to see how they contribute to your musical journey.


Every Wednesday | 6:00-8:00 PM UTC

September: 4, 11, 18, 25

October: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

November: 6, 13, 20

Group Calls are structured, in-depth lessons covering various aspects of house music production. Each session includes comprehensive teaching on key topics, practical demonstrations, and interactive discussions. These calls ensure you gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter, with opportunities for live Q&A to clarify concepts and techniques.


Every other Monday | 6:00-8:00 PM UTC

September: 9, 23

October: 7, 21

November: 4, 18

Q&A sessions follow a more flexible, drop-in style format where you are able to ask specific questions, seek advice on your projects, and receive tailored feedback. These sessions are less structured than group calls and are designed to address individual challenges, offer support, and enhance your practical understanding of the course material in a group setting.


Every 4 weeks on Monday | 6:00-8:00 PM UTC

September 30

October 28

November 25 (Special Closing Ceremony)

Feedback Sessions  provide you with the chance to get constructive critiques and personalized insights on your tracks and the skills you develop throughout the course. By presenting your music to TÂCHES and the group, you’ll gain diverse perspectives and actionable steps to improve your art in a collaborative environment.


Every 4 weeks on Monday | 6:00-8:00 PM UTC

September 16

October 14

November 11

Monthly Guest Masterclasses bring industry experts to you, sharing their unique insights, cutting-edge techniques, and personal experiences from the house music production business. These exclusive sessions offer an invaluable opportunity to learn from some of the best in the field, deepening your knowledge and igniting your creativity. 


Every 4 weeks | 1 Hour Long

Students to schedule one-on-one sessions at a mutually convenient time. A scheduling link will be provided.

Each student will have a monthly One-on-One Call to receive individualized, focused guidance and feedback. These 1-hour sessions are tailored specifically to your needs and goals, offering personalized support and addressing any particular challenges you may face in your music production journey. This is your opportunity for in-depth, private mentoring.

Note: All calls (except for 1:1 calls) will take place from 6-8PM UTC on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

In different time zones this works out as;

Los Angeles: 11AM-1PM | New York: 2-4PM | London: 7-9PM | Paris: 8-10PM | Sydney: 4-6AM




Lifetime Access to Course Materials


Enjoy lifetime access to all course materials, including lesson recordings, project files, and additional resources. This ensures you can revisit and review the content at your own pace, reinforcing your learning and allowing you to master the concepts on your own schedule.

Entry To The House Music Mastery Community


Gain access to a private community exclusively for House Music Mastery attendees and alumni. Engage in real-time discussions, share your progress, collaborate on projects, and receive support from a like-minded community. This platform provides networking opportunities and a space to inspire and be inspired.

Exclusive Sample Packs & Presets


Gain access to curated sample packs and presets specially created by TÂCHES for this course. These high-quality audio resources will enhance your music production, providing you with unique sounds to experiment with and incorporate into your tracks. Each pack is crafted to inspire creativity and help you achieve professional-quality results effortlessly.

Discounts & Early Tickets For Future Retreats


Receive alumni-only discounts on future in-person retreats. These retreats offer immersive learning experiences, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities with fellow producers and industry experts. Experience the benefits of face-to-face mentorship and collaborative projects with a chance to purchase tickets before the general public.




"TÂCHES taught me to trust myself as a musician. Because of him, I feel an incredible sense of freedom and creativity where before there was darkness. He is an amazing producer and a one of a kind teacher so if you get the chance to work with him... take it"

- Fur Skillman (Eli & Fur)

"House Music Mastery was a game-changer for me. TÂCHES helped me overcome creative blocks and discover new possibilities with my production. His emphasis on creativity made the learning experience truly enriching. Throughout the course, I grew personally and gained more confidence in my abilities as a producer. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to take their music to the next level. TÂCHES is an absolute master at his craft and is more than willing to share the knowledge!"

- Max Taylor (Sosh & Mosh)

"TÂCHES is a rare breed of teacher; highly intuitive, perceptive, compassionate, an excellent communicator, and full of undeniable expertise. He tuned into my interests and style seamlessly, always guiding me through tips and processes that are fully on point for me and my music. His depth and breadth of knowledge on all things production, recording, hardware, distribution, and even marketing is super impressive. He's a seasoned, yet humble, expert and can take you down any rabbithole you demonstrate interest in with ease, clarity, and endless grace. Things look and feel easy and achievable when you're learning with him. He's been an invaluable resource on my production journey. What a gift!"

- Geraldine Le Roux

"For me, working with TACHES feels like sitting with a fountain of infinite creativity, inspiration and momentum. His passion for music shines through as a conduit for feeling and an invitation for movement… I don’t just leave his presence inspired to make music, I find myself more interested in the tender intricacies of the human experience, knowing everything I feel will become an ingredient in a delicious sonic soup."

- Michelle Tomlinson (PIANIKA)

"Thanks to TÂCHES' teachings, I discovered a deeper and more spiritual connection to music. He doesn't simply teach you how to make music – he introduces you to its very essence. TÂCHES showed me that it's not only about striking keys and strumming strings, but about allowing the melodies and harmonies flow through you naturally."

- Igor Volhonski (HELLOVE)

"House Music Mastery was a brilliant course! It helped me improve on having less judgement when making music and unifying myself more with the overall process. I really resonated with TÂCHES' unique approach to music production; connecting with it in an organic and ritualistic kind of way. It’s like building a fire - how small processes can be added on to each other to create something that starts off small but then grows into hot, flowing tunes."

- Dylan Brooks

"House Music Mastery gave me real clarity around how to approach drums, mixing and mastering and starting new projects without overthinking every small decision. TÂCHES is hilarious and his ability to relate to his students with funny anecdotes made each lesson a joy. Before this course, I found excuses not to make music because "I wasn't inspired." Now, I feel empowered to create inspiration for myself. I am so thankful for every minute spent with TÂCHES"

- Samuel Rich (Sam Rich)

"TÂCHES has an unparalleled grasp on the liveliness of organic music. From instrumentation, to vocal pairing and sound selection, his knowledge and feel for music is amongst the best of top producers. There is a reason he has tracks on Anjunadeep, and watching his production style makes that fact ever so present. While mixing complex sounds and ideas, he makes it look effortless, and may not, himself, recognize that what he’s doing is a beautiful, artistic, intricate weave of sonic textures and melodic palettes."

- Richard Dye

“Even though I’ve been producing for over 7 years, I learned so many new things in this 12-week house music masterclass. My production and life improved due to the wisdom shared and the supportive group environment. Receiving real-time feedback and applicable guidance was immensely helpful. TÂCHES is very supportive and encourages authentic, creative, and courageous growth. His thought-provoking discoveries and optimistic attitude are contagious. I’m proud to be his student and grateful for the depth added to my music. Highly recommended for all experience levels."

- Jovanni Jimenez




"TÂCHES taught me to trust myself as a musician. Because of him, I feel an incredible sense of freedom and creativity where before there was darkness. He is an amazing producer and a one of a kind teacher so if you get the chance to work with him... take it"

- Fur Skillman (Eli & Fur)

"House Music Mastery was a game-changer for me. TÂCHES helped me overcome creative blocks and discover new possibilities with my production. His emphasis on creativity made the learning experience truly enriching. Throughout the course, I grew personally and gained more confidence in my abilities as a producer. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to take their music to the next level. TÂCHES is an absolute master at his craft and is more than willing to share the knowledge!"

- Max Taylor (Sosh & Mosh)

"TÂCHES is a rare breed of teacher; highly intuitive, perceptive, compassionate, an excellent communicator, and full of undeniable expertise. He tuned into my interests and style seamlessly, always guiding me through tips and processes that are fully on point for me and my music. His depth and breadth of knowledge on all things production, recording, hardware, distribution, and even marketing is super impressive. He's a seasoned, yet humble, expert and can take you down any rabbithole you demonstrate interest in with ease, clarity, and endless grace. Things look and feel easy and achievable when you're learning with him. He's been an invaluable resource on my production journey. What a gift!"

- Geraldine Le Roux

"For me, working with TACHES feels like sitting with a fountain of infinite creativity, inspiration and momentum. His passion for music shines through as a conduit for feeling and an invitation for movement… I don’t just leave his presence inspired to make music, I find myself more interested in the tender intricacies of the human experience, knowing everything I feel will become an ingredient in a delicious sonic soup."

- Michelle Tomlinson (PIANIKA)

"Thanks to TÂCHES' teachings, I discovered a deeper and more spiritual connection to music. He doesn't simply teach you how to make music – he introduces you to its very essence. TÂCHES showed me that it's not only about striking keys and strumming strings, but about allowing the melodies and harmonies flow through you naturally."

- Igor Volhonski (HELLOVE)

"House Music Mastery was a brilliant course! It helped me improve on having less judgement when making music and unifying myself more with the overall process. I really resonated with TÂCHES' unique approach to music production; connecting with it in an organic and ritualistic kind of way. It’s like building a fire - how small processes can be added on to each other to create something that starts off small but then grows into hot, flowing tunes."

- Dylan Brooks

"House Music Mastery gave me real clarity around how to approach drums, mixing and mastering and starting new projects without overthinking every small decision. TÂCHES is hilarious and his ability to relate to his students with funny anecdotes made each lesson a joy. Before this course, I found excuses not to make music because "I wasn't inspired." Now, I feel empowered to create inspiration for myself. I am so thankful for every minute spent with TÂCHES"

- Samuel Rich (Sam Rich)

"TÂCHES has an unparalleled grasp on the liveliness of organic music. From instrumentation, to vocal pairing and sound selection, his knowledge and feel for music is amongst the best of top producers. There is a reason he has tracks on Anjunadeep, and watching his production style makes that fact ever so present. While mixing complex sounds and ideas, he makes it look effortless, and may not, himself, recognize that what he’s doing is a beautiful, artistic, intricate weave of sonic textures and melodic palettes."

- Richard Dye

“Even though I’ve been producing for over 7 years, I learned so many new things in this 12-week house music masterclass. My production and life improved due to the wisdom shared and the supportive group environment. Receiving real-time feedback and applicable guidance was immensely helpful. TÂCHES is very supportive and encourages authentic, creative, and courageous growth. His thought-provoking discoveries and optimistic attitude are contagious. I’m proud to be his student and grateful for the depth added to my music. Highly recommended for all experience levels."

- Jovanni Jimenez



Testimonials (Web)


Drop Cap Example

Shirtless and shoeless, TÂCHES sits cross-legged in the dirt gently taking in his mountain surroundings. It’s clear that he’s deep in thought as he mindfully traces the shape of a fallen leaf in his hand and a slight smile gently spreads across his face. There’s a tangible feeling of love and fascination communicated through the way he looks at the world around him and it’s precisely this holistic approach to creativity that makes him such a captivating artist. This is the makeup of a being that finds passion and inspiration anywhere he looks.

Contradictorily, he is as much a devotee to tradition as he is a breaker of rules. TÂCHES is uninterested in following trends to appear relevant, and instead seeks to provoke the senses through a deeply personal examination of world cultures. Conceptual without ever being pretentious, his music shows a deep rooted appreciation for the textures of the times passed and faraway places. There’s a certain urgency to capture the world as he perceives it; albeit a world seen through the rose tinted lenses of a creature forever romantically entangled with his surroundings.

Drop Cap Example

There is no one way to sum up TÂCHES’s music, as it’s perpetually in growth, bending and swaying like a tree in the wind. This sonic metamorphosis is due to a primal need to experiment coupled with a deep longing to express the continually transforming experience of being human. Drawing heavily from emotion and memory, there’s a clear sense of nostalgia in all that he creates. His pure and unabashed desire to combine the things that he loves manifests itself as rich and evocative music with massive personality and palpable global flavours.

His desire to build upon the world in which his music exists led to the creation of his label GLITTER COWBOY - the peculiar home for the sonic documentation of his journey. When you listen to GLITTER COWBOY, you are nakedly experiencing life through the eyes of TÂCHES as he seeks to embody self-awareness and optimism, along with finding inner peace through nature, artistic expression and simplicity of living.

Drop Cap Example

During the unexpected events of 2020, TÂCHES found himself isolated in the English countryside. Each day, as a means to maintain his sanity, he would retreat to the heart of the nearby woods, where he had trained a camera upon a desk he set up amidst the trees. There, he began to document his philosophy on the nature of creativity and the importance of musical expression. It was in these tranquil, sylvan surroundings that he first discovered a deep passion for sharing the knowledge and wisdom he had accumulated over the years. The videos he recorded went on to inspire many thousands of creatives across the globe. By popular demand, he began to formally coach those that sought his counsel as a mentor. The profound connection he felt with his students ignited a passion path. Since then, he has had the privilege of witnessing the transformative journeys of over one hundred musicians whom he has guided through the intricacies of mastering their art form.



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